Penny Arcade Expo

This year we attended PAX for the 6th year in a row. Rachel attended three days with me and Lily one. As we're now veterans we knew all the main areas to visit: expo hall, console/VR/PC freeplay, panels and concerts. The popular game of the year was Fortnite and they had a huge presence at the expo. They took over an entire parking lot and inside they gave out free swag, free food and had a huge screen to watch ongoing Fortnite tournaments. Rachel was excited as it was her favorite game.

We tried out two new activities this year. First we attended a couple PAX parties. These were offsite events sponsored by vendors showing off their products. They both provided free drinks and one also had free food with a night club atmosphere. It was kind of awkward taking Rachel clubing, but it was all ages. The second activity was the four day long Omegathon. It had 20 randomly picked attendees who competed in an elimination tournament involving random games. We watched the Starwhal and Gang Beast rounds which were hilarious due to the awkward controls of the games. The final round was at Benaroya Hall and involved a claw machine named the Omegaclaw. It was amazing how excited the crowd got during the 10 minute competition with just a claw machine.

Fortnite Durr Burger
Fortnite Durr Burger

VR Free Play
VR Free Play

PAX Party
PAX Party

Expo Hall
Expo Hall

Line at an hour and a half before opening
Line at an hour and a half before opening

Virtual Boy at Classic Console Freeplay
Virtual Boy at Classic Console Freeplay

Omegathon Final Challenge - The Omegaclaw
Omegathon Final Challenge - The Omegaclaw

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August 31 - October 29, 2018