Gobblers Knob Hike

With my focus on the RAMROD this summer I spent all my time riding through the mountains instead hiking them. My first and only hike of the year was with my sister to the Gobblers Knob lookout on the southwest side of Mount Rainier. I had not been to this lookout, but had earlier explored the area hiking up both Mount Wow and Pyramid Peak. The 12 mile, 2500' gain hike started along the permanently closed West Side Road and continued on to a trail to Lake George and ending with a steeper hike to the lookout. Mount Rainier was completely covered in clouds so the only views we had were of the surrounding hills. Despite the lack views I was glad to actually get in a hike this year. I'm not sure what happened to 2019, but besides biking there was not much else.

Lake George
Lake George

Gobblers Knob Lookout
Gobblers Knob Lookout

Gobblers Knob Lookout
Gobblers Knob Lookout

Lookout Ridge
Lookout Ridge

Gobblers Knob Lookout
Gobblers Knob Lookout

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October 13, 2019