Emerald City Comicon

This year the ECCC was held in the new Summit extension of the Seattle Convention Center. The building was nice and open, but I missed the maze like design of the main center. We were happy the 501st Legion returned after being absent last year. It's always fun seeing their Star Wars cosplay and photo ops. The main guest this year was Mark Ruffalo who played Hulk in the Avengers movies. His photo op was a bit pricey, but the girls and Jamie were happy to meet him. Besides Star Wars and celebrities we did all the usual comicon stuff including checking out geek merchandise, meeting artists and checking out the Lego display.

Vivian and Spidermen
Vivian and Spidermen

Mark Ruffalo Panel
Mark Ruffalo Panel

New Convention Building
New Convention Building

Mark Ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo

Mandalorian Characters
Mandalorian Characters

Wampa Ice Cave
Wampa Ice Cave

Emperor Mom
Emperor Mom

Lightsaber Battle
Lightsaber Battle

Gengar Pokemon
Gengar Pokemon

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March 5, 2023